Reserves & Resources

Tulkubash – Open Pit Oxides JORC compliant reserve estimate 2022


Category Tonnes (Mt) Au (g/t) Au (Koz)
Probable 23.1 0.87 647
P&P 23.1 0.87 647

Tulkubash – Open Pit Oxides JORC compliant resource estimate EOY 2021 (resources incl. of reserves)


Category Tonnes (Mt) Au (g/t) Au (Koz)
Indicated 25.1 0.98 789
M&I 25.1 0.98 789
Inferred 11.2 0.62 222
TOTAL 36.3 0.87 1,011

Numbers are rounded in accordance with disclosure guidelines and may not sum accurately. The Mineral Resource has been estimated using 10.0 m x 20.0 m x 5.0 m (x, y, z) blocks, with minimum sub-block dimensions of 1 m x 5 m x 2.5 m (x, y, z). The estimate was constrained to the mineralised zone using wireframe solid models. Grade estimates were based on 1.5 m composited assay data. The interpolation of the metal grades was undertaken using OK. A cut-off grade of 0.30 g/t gold was applied to report the Mineral Resources.

The Reserve is higher tonnage than the Resource due to dilution. Grade and
contained gold are higher in the Resource than in the Reserve.

*numbers may not sum correctly due to rounding

Kyzyltash – Underground Sulphides JORC compliant resource estimate January 2018


Kyzyltash Underground Sulphides COG 2.0 g/t Au Tonnes (Mt) Au (g/t) Au (koz)
Measured 6.72 3.26 681
Indicated 32.79 3.79 3,864
M&I 39.52 3.70 4,545
Inferred 6.61 4.05 832
Total 46.13 3.75 5,377

Total Resources

Total Tonnes (Mt) Au (g/t) Au (Koz)
Total M&I 64.62 2.57 5,334
Inferred 17.81 1.84 1,054
Total 82.43 2.41 6,388

* numbers may not sum correctly due to rounding

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