AIM Rule 26

Chaarat Gold Holdings Limited (AIM: CGH)

Information in this section is being disclosed for the purposes of Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies.

Last updated on 5 April 2024.

About Chaarat Gold Holdings Limited

Please click here for a description of the business.

Directors and Senior Management

Please click here for our Directors and Senior Management biographies.

Country Of Incorporation

The Company is incorporated in the British Virgin Islands

Main country of operation

Chaarat’s primary country of operation is Kyrgyz Republic

Corporate Governance

Please click here for our Corporate Governance Statement.

Current Constitutional Documents

Memorandum and Articles of Association (PDF file)

Chaarat Gold Holdings Limited is incorporated in the BVI and the rights of shareholders may be different from the rights of shareholders in a UK incorporated company. The company is not subject to the Takeover Code. The provisions relating to takeovers can be found in Regulation 19 of the Articles.


The Company’s shares are admitted to trading on AIM, a sub-market of the London Stock Exchange. The Company’s shares are not listed on any other exchange.

Number of securities in issue

There is one share held in treasury. There are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company’s shares.

Significant Shareholders and shares not in public hands

Please click here for our Significant Shareholders.


Please click here for News notifications and here for AGM notifications.


Please click here for our Advisers.

Admission Document and Circulars

Admission Document (PDF file)
Re-Admission Document (PDF file)

Registered Office

PO Box 438,
Palm Grove House,
Road Town, Tortola,
British Virgin Islands VG1110
Company number: 1420336

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